Information on:

Downtown Toledo Farmers Market

Downtown Toledo Farmers Market
525 Market Street


The Farmers' Market of Toledo began in 1832,  when many of the area farmers needed a place to sell their produce, and the community needed a centrally located place to shop.  The Market started on Monroe, Superior and Washington Streets.  Here this outdoor market was on a street car line, and easy access for most of the community.  At that time you could shop this popular Market Square for everything from live poultry, vegetables, fruit, eggs, and everything in between.

In 1913, the outdoor wholesale market closed, and the Market temporarily moved indoors.  The outdoor Market reopened in 1917 at a new location: Speilbusch Avenue at Orange and Ontario Streets.  Currently the City of Toledo uses this area for Police parking.  On this site stalls were built with tables on both sides for the vendors and a roof overhead. These new stalls would accommodate vendors and trucks on the outside, and customers inside with the convenience of shopping in inclement weather.

Season: Spring, Summer and Fall

Market Hours:

May - October, 2025
Saturdays, 8am - 2pm

Location: 525 Market Street, Toledo, OH 43604.


November, 2024 - April, 2025
Saturdays, 9AM - 1PM

Location: 525 Market Street, Toledo, OH 43604.

Downtown Toledo Farmers Market is not affiliated with AmericanTowns Media
